Liga da Justiça - um mundo melhor

    Assisti ontem o episódio Um mundo melhor, da segunda temporada do desenho da Liga da Justiça. Esse desenho se destaca pelos excelentes roteiros, com muita ação, mas também uma excelente caracterização de personagens e até alguma reflexão.

    O episódio em questão gira em torno de um fato básico para quem assistiu outros episódios: por que o Superman nunca consegue derrotar definitivamente Lex Luthor. Ele é inteligente e super-poderoso, mas tem um freio ético e legal que o impede de ir além de determinado ponto. Já Luthor não tem freio nenhum, é um homem totalmente amoral.

    No episódio, que se passa em uma terra paralela Luthor chega à presidência e cria uma guerra com super-heróis, chegando a matar o Flash. A Liga (que nessa realidade se chama Lordes da Justiça) entra na casa Branca e Luthor está prestes a apertar o botão que aciona uma arma nuclear. Quando o Superman chega para impedi-lo, Luthor diz o que parece óbvio: que ele só adiaria um novo confronto. Pois o ciclo irá iniciar de novo: mais uma vez Luthor será preso, irá escapar, fazer um novo plano, etc. A única maneira de impedir isso seria matá-lo. E é justamente o que o Superman faz.

    Três anos depois, o mundo se transformou em uma ditadura, sem crimes, mas sem liberdade de expressão.

    A trama realmente começa quando eles descobrem a realidade da Liga e tentam implantar uma ditadura nesse novo mundo.

    Segue-se um ótimo episódio, com muita ação, ótima caracterização de personagens e uma lição interessante: Não existe desculpa para romper os limites da legalidade ou da ética. Os resultados sempre serão negativos.

    Numa referência história, dá para comparar com a ditadura militar. Quando os militares tomaram o poder, em 1964, eles deixaram de ser os heróis que foram na II Guerra Mundial para se transformarem em vilões. Vale lembrar a famosa frase de Jarbas Passarinho (Ministro da Educação do governo militar) quando da instalação do AI-5, que cassou direitos civis: "Às favas com a ética!".

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Liga da Justiça - um mundo melhor

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Liga da Justiça game

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Liga da Justiça game

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like the Pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    pokemon logo

    pokemon logo

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

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like the Pokemon logo

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original pokemon

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

    original pokemon

    original pokemon

    I once thought about getting all 151 original Pokemon tattooed all over my body. Then I could tell the ladies, "Gotta Catch'Em All." Of course, there would be a Pokemon on my balls and probably my taint. On my penis...Squirtle!

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original pokemon

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